rePost::THE ART OF SHAQ | More Intelligent Life

Got this link from Chuck. I agree that my BS detector is calling this a gimmick but, In my view anything that helps promote art, especially to people who otherwise wouldn’t know or go to that event is great for me.


Does size matter? For Shaquille O’Neal his very existence offers a larger-than-life answer to that question. Standing at 7’1”, weighing 320 pounds and strutting about in size 22 shoes, Shaq casts a long shadow. His appetites and ambitions are similarly colossal: a professional basketball star, he has also worked as an actor, rapper, memoirist and reserve police officer, and is now working on a PhD in organisational behaviour. Now, thanks to the FLAG Art Foundation in New York, Shaq can cross another item off his to-do list: curate an art show. “Size DOES Matter” features 66 works chosen by the man himself, and a catalogue with an essay by James Frey (yes, that James Frey).
An outsized gimmick? Perhaps. The line to attend the show’s opening on February 19th snaked outside for nearly a block. And Shaq’s selections, which feature a range of contemporary works of varying, eye-teasing sizes, were plucked from more than 200 images supplied by FLAG’s founder, Glenn Fuhrman, and director, Stephanie Roach, over dinner after a game. Still, this playful show holds up as a satisfying examination of size and scale in art.
via THE ART OF SHAQ | More Intelligent Life.

rePost::Messaging, the media, and Haiti – Chris Blattman

Is robbery so endemic? One of my wife’s colleagues, a veteran of dozens of catastrophes and crises, is amazed by the (relative) calm and absence of looting. She reports storefront windows broken, but the goods behind intact. She’s seldom seen a crisis so under control.
Most journalists I know are keenly aware of the impact of their work on public opinion and policy. Donations and immigration relief have happened so quickly and so generously in part because of the quick and impassioned reporting on the ground. But looters and thugs on the front page only bolsters impressions that Haitians are ungovernable. This is a tragedy if untrue.
via Messaging, the media, and Haiti – Chris Blattman.

It’s important to have a good filter to determine what the media is and is not reporting. This helps us get a more accurate view of what is happening.

rePost::OAP: "Rent is Back in Manila!" | OUR AWESOME PLANET

Haven’t been to the theater for a long time (college was probably the last time I watched a play/musical). Hope I can schedule going to this, I haven’t seen Rent before.

Feb 6, 2010 (Saturday) – OAP Show
8PM/ C.P. Romulo Auditorium, RCBC Plaza
Reserve Now! (check out the Seat Plan)
Mobile Number: +63917 8676332 (Minnie Fong)
(Tell them that you are an OAP reader.
Also, please say hi when you see us in the show)
Ticket Prices:
P800 – Balcony
P1,100 – Loge Sides
P1,400 – Loge Center
P1,600 – Orchestra Sides
P1,700 – Orchestra Center
See you there!
Live an Awesome Life,
via OAP: “Rent is Back in Manila!” | OUR AWESOME PLANET.

rePost::OAP: "Dingdong Dantes on Food, Travel and Book Run" | OUR AWESOME PLANET

Book Run 2010 3/5/10K
January 31, 2010, Sunday
The Fort
RUN EVENT: 3/5/10K
450 Php – all race event
400 Php – if you register with donations of books for Grade School and High School levels
Fee includes race bib, race map, singlet and RFIC timing tag.
10K finishers will receive a finisher's medal.
ROX – at Bonifacio High Street
12nn – 8pm daily
January 15-29, 2010
Visit YesPinoy.Org for more details…
via OAP: “Dingdong Dantes on Food, Travel and Book Run” | OUR AWESOME PLANET.

Hmm may 3k , tempting.

Charter for Compassion (post 2)


A call to bring the world together…
The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Compassion impels us to work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, to dethrone ourselves from the centre of our world and put another there, and to honour the inviolable sanctity of every single human being, treating everybody, without exception, with absolute justice, equity and respect.
It is also necessary in both public and private life to refrain consistently and empathically from inflicting pain. To act or speak violently out of spite, chauvinism, or self-interest, to impoverish, exploit or deny basic rights to anybody, and to incite hatred by denigrating others—even our enemies—is a denial of our common humanity. We acknowledge that we have failed to live compassionately and that some have even increased the sum of human misery in the name of religion.
We therefore call upon all men and women ~ to restore compassion to the centre of morality and religion ~ to return to the ancient principle that any interpretation of scripture that breeds violence, hatred or disdain is illegitimate ~ to ensure that youth are given accurate and respectful information about other traditions, religions and cultures ~ to encourage a positive appreciation of cultural and religious diversity ~ to cultivate an informed empathy with the suffering of all human beings—even those regarded as enemies.
We urgently need to make compassion a clear, luminous and dynamic force in our polarized world. Rooted in a principled determination to transcend selfishness, compassion can break down political, dogmatic, ideological and religious boundaries. Born of our deep interdependence, compassion is essential to human relationships and to a fulfilled humanity. It is the path to enlightenment, and indispensible to the creation of a just economy and a peaceful global community.

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On Climate Change

There are a few times when you just can’t drop the ball on something. You either not lose or you lose big time. It looks almost like a step function.
For me that is climate change , we either do everything in our power to save or at least determine if we need saving or we lose, or worse our children lose big time.
This is the challenge of our time, we need to face it not with indifference or the like, but with a clear headed view that we are only caretakers of the only planet we can live on thus far.
This is my post for Blog Action Day!