Giancarlo Angulo
- Quezon City, Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines
- Mobile: 0915-837-7340 (Text first I don’t answer numbers I do not recognize)
- email:
- alternate email:
Work Experience
- August 2020 – Present | Independent Consulting
- Technology Consultant
- June 2018 – Present | Securities and Exchange Commission
- Technology Consultant
- January 2018 – June 2019 | MC&A
- Technology Consultant
- January 2017 – June 2018| Varcotech
- Technology Consultant
- March 2010 – August 2020| Incuventure Partners Corporation.
- Consultant (Present)
- Chief Technology Officer
- Technical Manager
- Systems Architect /Technical Lead
- Senior Systems Developer
- April 2008 – March 2010 | Symbio Inc.
- Software Analyst Programmer
- November 2007 – January 2008 | Azeus Philippines Limited Inc.
- Trainee Software Test Engineer
- July 2006- May 2007 | Dynamic Soft Solutions.
- Software Developer/Programmer
Skills and Technical Proficiency:
Professional Experience in the following:
- Head of technical pre-sales for government and private sector bidding.
- Head of technical proposal team for government and private sector bidding.
- Head technical solutions architect for all Incuventure projects.
- Project Inception,
- Project Evaluation,
- Project Planning,
- Project Costing,
- Technical Architecture,
- Technical Evaluation,
- Technical Assessment
Programming Languages :
- Java over 14 years
- Javascript over 14 years
- Groovy over 14 years
- PHP over 5 years
- Python over 5 years
- C#
- Visual Basic
- R
Database :
- Oracle 9/10g/11g/12c
- MySql
- Maria DB
- MS SQL Server
- IBM DB2 9/10/11
- PostgreSQL
- Derby
- SQL Lite
- H2
- Redis
- Elasticsearch
- MongoDB
- Marklogic
- Firebase Firestore and RealtimeDB
- Amazon DynamoDB
Web Server :
- Jetty
- Apache Tomcat.
- Oracle Weblogic 9/10/11g
- WEBrick
- WebSphere
- JBoss AS
- GlassFish
- Apache
Cloud Technologies :
- Amazon Web Services.
- Google Cloud Platform.
- Microsoft Azure.
Source Control :
- Git
- Mercurial
- Subversion
- MS Visual Source Safe
- VS Code
- IDEA IntelliJ
- Android Studio
- Netbeans
- Visual Studio
- Eclipse
- JDeveloper
- Visual Studio Code
Frameworks :
- Firebase
- Ionic
- AngularJS
- Spring
- Spring Boot
- Spring Batch
- Spring MVC
- jHipster
- NodeJS
- MyBatis
- Quartz Scheduler
- Groovy on Grails
- Struts
- Django
- Laravel
Developed in the following Operating Systems:
- Mac OSX (Tiger and Leopard)
- Windows (XP,7, Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2012, Server 2016, Windows 10)
- Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, RHEL, Oracle Linux, and CentOS)
- BSD (FreeBSD)
Blogging Platform/CMS :
- WordPress.
- MediaWiki.
I have used the following technologies and programming languages extensively:
- Groovy and Grails or Groovy/Grails
- Jasper Reports
- Quartz Scheduler
- Maven
- Spring
- Gradle
Business Intelligence Platforms:
- PowerBI
- Tableau
Serverless Technologies:
- Google AppEngine
- OpenShift
- AWS Lambda
- Google Cloud Functions
- Azure Functions
I have used the following technologies, libraries, and programming languages in the past:
- Firebase backend as a service
- Snowflake Data warehouse
- Android
- Python
- NodeJS
- Ruby on Rails
- Perl
- Laravel
- Yii
- Ruby
- Octave
- Crystal Reports
- Visual Basic/ VB.NET
- [2000-2007] University of the Philippines, Diliman
- College of Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- BS in Electrical Engineering.
- [1996-2000] Philippines Science High School, Diliman
- Registered Electrical Engineer. (September 2007 Electrical Engineering Board Exams)
- Undergraduate Research:
- “Real Market Dispatch, A System of Dispatching Curtailable Bids/Offers: A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Formulation”.
Personal Projects
- Research Logging Platform
- Philippine History Timelines Project
- Brgy Service App
- Brgy Scanner App
- Simple Firebase Document Tracking App
- Health Online Express App
- OnThe8Spot Chrome Extension
- Republic Acts Crawler and CRUD Application
- Senate Bills Crawler and CRUD Application
Extra-Curricular Activities
- President. UP Christian Brotherhood. 2004-2005, Member 2000-2007.
- Member, UP Circuit. 2000-2007
- Member, UP IIEE-SC Diliman, 2005-2007
- Member, SUMS-UP 2004-2007
Volunteer Work
- Oct 2009 – March 2010
- Volunteer Teacher, Computer Skills Class Unang Hakbang Foundation
- July 2006, July 2005, July 2004, July 2003, July 2002, July 2001
- Volunteer Teacher, Highschool Skills Review Classes
- July 2002- September 2002
- Student Assistant, UP Human Resource Development.

- Incuventure Magis Awards
- SEC Ease of Doing Business Champion 2020-2021
- SEC Ease of Doing Business Champion 2021-2022
- SEC Ease of Doing Business Champion 2022-2023
Employment History Including Projects:
(as of October 2023)
Office of the City Administrator. Quezon City. Information Technology Consultant. February 2022 – Present. (Software Development Technical Consultant)
- QC Financial Reporting
UPPAF RESPOND a USAID-funded project. Quezon City. Software Development Consultant. December 2020 – Present. (Software Development Technical Consultant)
Securities and Exchange Commission. Pasay City. Highly Technical Consultant. July 2018 – Present. (Highly Technical Consultant)
- Central Business Portal
- National Business One-Stop-Shop
- Digital Transformation Technology Roadmap
Incuventure Partners Corporation. Manila City. Chief Technology Officer. Technical Manager/System Architect/Technical Lead/Senior Systems Developer/ System Analyst/ Business Analyst. March 2010 – Present. (Technical Consultant)
Bureau of Treasury National Government Collection System (NGCS).
Technologies Used: PHP. jQuery. MySQL. SQL Server. Window Server. JMeter.
PhilGeps- Philippine Electronic Government Procurement System 1.5 Project. Upgrade of the PhilGeps.
Technologies Used: VB.NET, Amazon Web Services. Microsoft Azure. Falconide. JMeter. SQL Server.
Government Service Insurance System – GWAPS GSIS Financial Assistance Loan 2 (GFL) Enhancement. Added a new loan product to the GSIS GWAPS portfolio.
Technologies Used: Java. Spring Web. Spring Batch. Spring Security. Apache CXF. AngularJS. SOA. Microservices. Oracle 106. Oracle Weblogic, Oracle ESB (OSB). RFID. Biometrics.
ITERA – IT Environment Review and Assessment (ITERA) Consultancy. Review and Assessment of the IT Environment of various clients under (Non-Disclosure Agreements) NDA.
Government Service Insurance System – GWAPS Educational Assistance Loan 2 (EAL2) Enhancement. Added a new loan product to the GSIS GWAPS portfolio.
Technologies Used: Java. Spring Web. Spring Batch. Spring Security. Apache CXF. AngularJS. SOA. Microservices. Oracle 106. Oracle Weblogic, Oracle ESB (OSB). RFID. Biometrics.
MediCard Access Express (MACE).
Technologies Used: Spring Boot. Mybatis. SQL Server. Google Cloud Compute Engine. Android. IOS.
DTI-Support Web. The web-based API Monitoring and Reporting tool used by the DTI Philippine Business Registry and Business Name Registry System support group.
Technologies Used: Groovy and Grails. Oracle 10g. Amazon Web Services. Amazon S3. Amazon EC2. Jetty. wget. cron job. shell scripting.
Government Service Insurance System – GWAPS Enhancement Project. The web-based mobile kiosk enhancement of the present GWAPS enables members to view and update membership details. Apply for loans, Apply for retirement, and policy claims.
Technologies Used: Java. Spring Web. Spring Batch. Spring Security. Apache CXF. AngularJS. SOA. Microservices. Oracle 106. Oracle Weblogic, Oracle ESB (OSB). RFID. Biometrics.
BIR – TRIU Enhancement Project. The web-based TIN Registration project for the BIR.
Groovy and Grails. Java. Spring Web Flow. Spring Batch. Spring Security. MySQL.
Philippine Dealing and Exchange (PDEX) FX Consolidation Project.
Python. Java. XML. Redis.
United Coconut Planter’s Bank– Trade Finance System (UCPB-TFS). The web-based application that handles the trade finance workflow of the UCPB.
Technologies Used: Groovy and Grails. Java. Spring. Hibernate. DB2 10. Web Services. Linux. Design, Implementation, Coding, Testing.
- Accounting Module – Developed the accounting module including mapping the accompanying accounting entries. The system was developed using Java 2 SE and J2EE technologies the core technology. The accounting module was implemented as Java Web Services with service configuration done in XML.
- Charges Module -Charges module used to generate charges for transactions.
- Reports Module-Module used to call Jasper reports from web service to generate various report types (excel/csv/word).
Government Integrated Financial Management System – National Budget Execution System (GIFMIS NBES). The web-based application that handles the different requirements of the DBM with regards to the Budget Execution Process in fulfillment of the commitment to the GIFMIS project.
Technologies Used: PHP. Oracle 11g. MS SQL Server. MySQL. MS Excel Programming. Web Services. Linux. System Design, Implementation, Coding, Testing.
- National Budget Execution System – A sub-system of the GIFMIS that handles the full lifecycle of an HDMF borrowing project. The lifecycle of a borrowing project includes structuring of the loan project, the checking, and approval of the loan project, the selection of collaterals, the posting of accounting entries, the posting of payments and related entries, restructuring, and closing of loan projects.
- Initial Authentication/Authorization module – module initially used by the GIFMIS to implement authentication and Authorization. Used a simple-saml PHP package to implement authorization by logging into the google account.
Home Development Mutual Fund – Integrated Informations System- Fund Source System(HDMF-IISP FSS). Groovy and Grails. Java. Spring. Hibernate. Oracle 11g. MS SQL Server. MySQL. MS Excel Programming. Quartz. Web Services. Linux. Design, Implementation, Coding, Testing.
- Borrowing System – A sub-system of the FSS that handles the full lifecycle of an HDMF borrowing project. The lifecycle of a borrowing project includes structuring of the loan project, the checking, and approval of the loan project, the selection of collaterals, the posting of accounting entries, the posting of payments and related entries, restructuring, and closing of loan projects.
- Bond Flotation System– A sub-system of the FSS that handles the full lifecycle of an HDMF bond floatation project. The lifecycle of the bond floatation project includes structuring of the bonds to be issued, the checking and approval of the bond floatation project, the selection of collaterals, post-auction processes including printing of certificates and population of the bond registry, bond registry functionality like cancellations and transfer of certificates, handling of raffle master list and raffle tools, the posting of payments to investors, handling of LRA, the posting of accounting entries on various transactions, and closing of issuance.
- Auction System– Customization of Apache Struts based Securities Auction System (SAS) of Incuventure. This system supports the whole life cycle of a Philippine securities auction. Work on this system includes customization of fields and implementation of some of the work required to integrate the SAS with the Bond Floatation System.
- Securitization System – A sub-system of the FSS that handles the full lifecycle of an HDMF bond floatation project. The lifecycle of the bond floatation project includes cash flow and selection criteria/loan portfolio analysis.
- Investment System – A sub-system of the FSS that handles the reporting and ancillary requirements of the HDMF Investment Department. Some of these requirements include the production of execution documents, the display of funding calendars, and various reporting requirements required by the PFRS.
National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation – Securitization System (NHMFC-NSS). The web-based application that handles the securization workflow and various ancillary financial requirements of the NHMFC. Groovy and Grails. Java. Spring. Hibernate. Oracle 11g. MySQL. Alfresco CMS. MS Excel Programming. Quartz. Web Services. Linux. Design, Implementation, Coding, Testing.
- Loan Purchasing System– A sub-system of the FSS that handles the full lifecycle of an NHMFC loan purchasing transaction.
- Auction System– Customization of Apache Struts based Securities Auction System (SAS) of Incuventure. This system supports the whole life cycle of a Philippine securities auction.
- Securitization System – A sub-system of the NSS that handles the full lifecycle of a securitization project from structuring to issuance. The lifecycle of a securitization project from structuring to issuance includes collateral selection, structuring of security, generation of cash flow model of the selected collateral, various approval, and report functionality.
- Servicing System – A sub-system of the NSS that handles the full lifecycle of a securitization project at the servicing stage. The servicing phase of a securitization project includes the
- Investment System – A sub-system of the NSS that handles the reporting and ancillary requirements of the Investment Department. Some of these requirements include canvassing, investment approval, and various reporting requirements.
- Borrowing System – A sub-system of the NSS that handles the requirements of borrowing projects of the NHMFC. Some of these requirements include the selection of collateral, the canvass of credit proposals, various reporting requirements.
PRC OSA2, Web front end used by the PRC for handling human resources, physical inventory and supply requests, and cash system. Groovy and Grails. Java. Spring. Hibernate. IBM DB2. Grails project. Linux. Design, Implementation, Coding, Testing.
- ECMS Electronic Cash Management System – Used by the Cash Division and Accounting Division of the PRC to handle cashiering, Cash management, and Accountable Forms Official Receipt management.
- AMIS Asset Management Information System – Used by the Supply Division to maintain inventory information, monitor supply, and equipment request through the full lifecycle of the equipment.
- OPES Operational Performance Evaluation System – Used by the Human Resources Division to maintain the performance monitoring and evaluation lifecycle.
Symbio Inc. Ortigas CBD. Analyst / Programmer
April 2008 – March 2010,
- Faxtool, The system used as the web front-end interface by customer support and technical support personnel. The system is used to manage an IP fax server. Java.Spring. Hibernate. MySQL. Eclipse project. Ubuntu Linux. CentOS. Design, Implementation, Coding. Testing. Maintenance.
- PCIBS, Phone Card inventory, and Billing System. C#.Net. WebForms. SQL Server 2005. Crystal Reports. Visual Studio project. Windows XP. CentOS. Design, Implementation, Coding, Testing. Maintenance.
- Fax Report Generator. The system used to generate fax usage and error reports used for billing, operational, and management reports. Java. Spring. Hibernate. MySQL. Eclipse project. iReport. Jasper reports. Mac OS X Leopard. Design, Implementation, Coding, Testing. Maintenance.
- VertexCRM, Customer Relations Management tool. Java.Struts. Hibernate. MySQL. Netbeans project. Mac OS X Leopard. Coding. Testing. Maintenance.
- CDR-Tollfree Report Generator, Tool used to generate Call Data Record. Java. Struts.Hibernate.Eclipse project. Ubuntu Linux. Design, Implementation, Coding, Testing. Maintenance.
- ORM/CS Webtool, a tool used to create reports by customer service representatives. VB.Net. SQL Server. Windows XP. Coding, Testing. Maintenance.
- Agent Tools, Tool used to create/handle/resolve customer email concerns. VB.Net. MySQL. Windows XP. Coding, Testing. Maintenance.
Azeus Philippines Ltd. Ortigas CBD. Software Test Engineer Trainee.
November 2007 – January 2008.
- Training for creating and implementing unit test plans for web-based applications, reports, and backend processes.
Dynamic Soft Solutions Inc Angeles City. Software Developer.
July 2006 – May 2007.
- Rich Internet Application tool for Medical Transcription, Tool used to handle medical transcription workflow. Java. EJB. PostgreSQL. FreeBSD. Testing. Coding.
- Proof of Concept / Initial Implementation of Audio Recorder Downloading program. Java. JNI. Swing. Windows XP.
- Proof of Concept / Initial Implementation of Multi-Page Scanning and Printing program. Java. JNI. Swing. Windows XP.
- Proof of Concept / Initial Implementation of Java-Based Audio Player program. Java. JNI. Swing. Windows XP.
- Proof of Concept / Initial Implementation of Java Library/Application to Wrap OS-based signals from Foot Pedal Control. Java. JNI. Swing. Windows XP.