rePost: — Ten Commandments for a Responsible Pet Owner as dictated by the pet from Unfogged

I feel that this is good advice for friends/lovers/families too.
read the whole thing from here: Unfogged

Ten Commandments for a Responsible Pet Owner as dictated by the pet.
4. Don’t be angry with me for long and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainments. But I have only you.
5. Talk to me. Even if I don’t understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.
9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too will grow old.
10. On the difficult journey, on the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can’t bear to watch. Don’t make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there. Because I love you so.

rePost: -Last War Syndrome-Is 2008 our 1929?

From brad delong: I dub thee THE LAST WAR SYNDROME: ‘Everyones fighting the last war!’

Is 2008 Our 1929?
No. It is not. The most important reason it is not is that Bernanke and Paulson are both focused like laser beams on not making the same mistakes as were made in 1929.
They are also focused, but not quite as much, on not making the mistakes made by Arthur Burns in the 1970s.
And they are also focused, but not quite as much, on not making the mistakes the Bank of Japan made in the 1990s.
They want to make their own, original, mistakes…
Grasping Reality with Both Hands: The Semi-Daily Journal Economist Brad DeLong.

rePost: -The Right Question-Greg Mankiw's Blog: The Problem with Audience Participation

What Paul Should have asked was, who would trade your health system with ours??
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Problem with Audience Participation
James Taranto reports this recent interchange, during which economist Paul Krugman tries to make the case for a Canadian-style national health care system:
Krugman: –and I wanted to ask, actually two questions, to the audience. First, how many Canadians, would Canadians in the room please raise your hands. [One person applauds, laughter]
Donvan: We have about seven hands going up—
Krugman: OK, not as many as I thought. OK, of those of you who are not on the panel who are Canadians, how many of you think you have a terrible health care system. [pause] One, two–
Donvan: We see—almost all of the same hands going up. [laughter]
Krugman: Bad move on my part.
Greg Mankiw’s Blog: The Problem with Audience Participation.

Thinking the bailout through – Paul Krugman – Op-Ed Columnist – New York Times Blog

September 21, 2008, 11:12 am
Thinking the bailout through
What is this bailout supposed to do? Will it actually serve the purpose? What should we be doing instead? Let’s talk.
First, a capsule analysis of the crisis.
1. It all starts with the bursting of the housing bubble. This has led to sharply increased rates of default and foreclosure, which has led to large losses on mortgage-backed securities.
2. The losses in MBS, in turn, have left the financial system undercapitalized — doubly so, because levels of leverage that were previously considered acceptable are no longer OK.
3. The financial system, in its efforts to deleverage, is contracting credit, placing everyone who depends on credit under strain.
4. There’s also, to some extent, a vicious circle of deleveraging: as financial firms try to contract their balance sheets, they drive down the prices of assets, further reducing capital and forcing more deleveraging.
So where in this process does the Temporary Asset Relief Plan offer any, well, relief? The answer is that it possibly offers some respite in stage 4: the Treasury steps in to buy assets that the financial system is trying to sell, thereby hopefully mitigating the downward spiral of asset prices.
But the more I think about this, the more skeptical I get about the extent to which it’s a solution. Problems:
(a) Although the problem starts with mortgage-backed securities, the range of assets whose prices are being driven down by deleveraging is much broader than MBS. So this only cuts off, at most, part of the vicious circle.
(b) Anyway, the vicious circle aspect is only part of the larger problem, and arguably not the most important part. Even without panic asset selling, the financial system would be seriously undercapitalized, causing a credit crunch — and this plan does nothing to address that.
Or I should say, the plan does nothing to address the lack of capital unless the Treasury overpays for assets. And if that’s the real plan, Congress has every right to balk.
So what should be done? Well, let’s think about how, until Paulson hit the panic button, the private sector was supposed to work this out: financial firms were supposed to recapitalize, bringing in outside investors to bulk up their capital base. That is, the private sector was supposed to cut off the problem at stage 2.
It now appears that isn’t happening, and public intervention is needed. But in that case, shouldn’t the public intervention also be at stage 2 — that is, shouldn’t it take the form of public injections of capital, in return for a stake in the upside?
Let’s not be railroaded into accepting an enormously expensive plan that doesn’t seem to address the real problem.
Thinking the bailout through – Paul Krugman – Op-Ed Columnist – New York Times Blog.

rePost: The end of global deregulatory reform — Crooked Timber

Need to read this book and it seems that I have something to occupy my mind with during the hour long commutes.
This was strangely invigorating for me. Ok maybe not so strangely.

Mark Blyth’s book, Great Transformations has a theory of the relationship between economic crises and economic ideas. Very roughly speaking, when a crisis occurs that is difficult or impossible for the prevailing wisdom to explain or deal with, intellectual entrepreneurs have an opportunity to create a new (partly self-reinforcing) collective wisdom. We’re most likely in just such a crisis now. Which set of intellectual entrepreneurs are going to succeed in reshaping a new collective wisdom – economic nationalists like Sarkozy and Putin, social democratic globalizers like Dani Rodrik, or some other crowd entirely – I have no idea.
The end of global deregulatory reform — Crooked Timber.

rePost: Good News for Kuya Peire Bad News For ME-Can Binge Drinking Save Social Security? – Freakonomics – Opinion – New York Times Blog

On another note, one of the puzzling underlying findings in this paper is the relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and increased lifetime earnings. For men and women alike, people who report downing two or fewer drinks a day earn slightly more than teetotalers do, on average. Heavy alcohol use tends to negatively impact earnings, as you might imagine, but not as much as abstinence. Sloan and Ostermann aren’t clear on the mechanics of this relationship, but the science seems solid.
Does drinking lead to higher earnings, or vice versa?
Can Binge Drinking Save Social Security? – Freakonomics – Opinion – New York Times Blog.

rePost: Except what makes life worthwhile

I’d like to borrow his phrasing.  We exist doing everything, accumulating many things, experiencing the newest things, and the fanciest fads, everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.

from youtube, thanks to mark thoma here:
more information:
Forty years ago, Robert F. Kennedy challenged the basic way we measure progress and well-being in America. Today, the Glaser Progress Foundation is raising the same questions through a new medium. The Seattle-based foundation released a new web video marking the anniversary of a famous speech in which Kennedy said the Gross Domestic Product counts “everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.” (emphasis mine)

rePost: Hope They Taught Me Like This–Do It First, Then We’ll Talk | Addison Road

I was talking to rain last night after our videoke session with jizelle.
I was decrying my observation that most people I meet in school do not really come to love what they are studying. And it comes from the observation that most professors who could help students find love for their field of study just don’t. This creates two problems.

  1. People who were gonna love what they were learning loved it much later
  2. People who weren’t gonna love what they were studying found out much later.

I hope professors try to challenge their students, tell them if after this class you do not think you love what we are studying, shift , shift NOW.

“Joy first, theory second.”
Do It First, Then We’ll Talk | Addison Road.

Dani Rodrik's weblog: Alter-globalization

I haven’t studied this enough to even start forming an opinion.
emphasis mine from the excellent Dani Rodrik’s blog here:

As one might expect, the book takes swipes at the usual suspects: the Washington Consensus, the IFIs, the MNCs, Tom Friedman, and Jeff Sachs. Against the growth-focused and globalization-centered views of these institutions and commentators, Robin and John argue for a localized, community-based, self-sufficient model of development. What many others would celebrate as real development (for example the spread of commercial farming for export in the Philippines) they see as the destruction of local communities. They write: “We stand at a moment marking the end of what may well be the most destructive development era of modern history.”
Dani Rodrik’s weblog: Alter-globalization.