FIlm Lovers–The birds of prey are circling – Roger Ebert's Journal

If David Lean were in business today, he’d be out of business. American opening-weekend audiences are driven by gossip and “box office winners.” Not enough people trust their instincts. Which family movie would you rather see? An epic set in Australia, or one about a crazy dog? The kids see the trailer on TV, and say: “We want to see the dog!” Well, I sorta liked “Marley” too, except for the dog. But I offer this advice for parents: The kids will see the movie you choose for them, not the movie they choose for you. If you don’t lay down the law, you’ll end up seeing “The Spirit.” You mark my words.
Never mind the “weekend winner” charts. Everybody wants to back a winner. If you’re one of 50 people in a theater, that may mean you are more discriminating than the people who are not filling the other 300 seats. It doesn’t automatically mean you’re (a) a loser; (b) one of them Elites; (c) looking like a nerd in front of your date. Young people, heed this advice: Never marry someone who doesn’t love the movies you love. Sooner or later, that person will not love you. I could go even further, and quote the great French cineaste Pierre Rissient, who instructs us: It is not enough for you to love a movie. You must love it for the right reasons.
The bounty hunting goes on. Who is the current reigning female star? Angelina Jolie, without a doubt. She might as well find a calendar and start marking off the days until she reads learns of her “box office dive” and “comeback attempt.”
The birds of prey are circling – Roger Ebert’s Journal.

As a film lover this couldn’t have been more from the heart. I just feel that people are looking for junk food and not salads/ or steaks. This leaves them feeling empty but makes them coming back for more. And that is the crux of the matter. It is hard to find Great even Good films, compare that to mediocre films that are easier to make and ar a known quantity. Quoting deep throat “follow the money”, and that’s what the studio’s do. They do not risk and just follow the money, That’s why we get all these scary movie’s disaster movies etc while a lot of good or even great movies can’t seem to get distribution deals!
The internet is a game changer and i believe that only time and greater advances in technology that allow probably 100 times the earth’s current population would spawn what (How many real movie/film lovers do we really need) 100 million/1 billion? before the scale allows great films to be made only for the people who care/ the people who actually think. (This post made me reminiscent of “The Wire” The Best TV Show Ever!)

Feeling So Familiar–Global Voices Online » Japan: “What are you up to now?” has become a taboo question

And this is how we kicked off our thirties. In our twenties, all of us were running full steam ahead, taking the long route to life. But now the fatigue has built up, I think we’re all just tired. Out of our whole group, there was not a single person who, thinking about how they would spend the next ten years, envisioned a bright future. Everyone was concentrating their attention on just getting by for the time being, and nothing else.
Global Voices Online » Japan: “What are you up to now?” has become a taboo question.

Feeling So Familiar!

“I’m in my twenties , but why does this feel so familiar, Why is it that I get the feeling that this guy could be one of many from my circle or friends.”

Dani Rodrik's weblog: The inescapable trilemma of the world economy

So I maintain that any reform of the international economic system must face up to this trilemma. If we want more globalization, we must either give up some democracy or some national sovereignty. Pretending that we can have all three simultaneously leaves us in an unstable no-man’s land.
Dani Rodrik’s weblog: The inescapable trilemma of the world economy.

A year old posts but more important to note now that the world is in a Severe Economic Crisis the decisions and compromise that the world leaders choose basically impact my and my generations adult life. This probably has a more formal name but I’ll call it the tragedy of progress, where in the previous generation either build the pitfalls or the stepping stones of the next generation.

Great Read ===> Hardwood Paroxysm: What Doesn't Kill You Only Makes You Less Likely To Rebound: Seven Seconds Or Less And The Dark Knight

Great article on Mike D’Antoni’s Seven Seconds Or Less and Dark Knight!

Now, conversely, Simmons’ article also is a good reference point because it speaks to the prevailing counter-argument. The tenets of rational order, you might say. The tenets are that defense wins championship, toughness always wins over flash, and that you can’t play basketball like that and expect to win. And just like in the Dark Knight, the end seems to justify that train of thought. The Joker got caught, the Spurs won the title, and all is right with the world (don’t even get me started on the similarities between Batman accepting the responsibility of being hunted by the police and criticized for his good intentions and the Spurs being constantly dogged as “boring”). But there’s also something telling in what the Joker tells Batman, hanging there, laughing at him.

“I think you and I are destined to do this forever.”
Just because SSOL failed in the desert doesn’t mean it will always fail, and it didn’t mean the end of the movement. Because tonight, when the Knicks, with Al Harrington firing threes and Nate Robinson splitting defenders, beat the Celtics, with all their defense, all their fundamentals, all their strength, you saw a glimpse of it. The battle’s eternal, and necessary between the two. Chaotic, freewheeling mania versus controlled, disciplined order.
Now, of course, this isn’t meant to idolize the violent murder the joker takes as whimsy, nor to link D’Antoni to that kind of behavior. But there’s a reason that no one goes around quoting any of Christian Bale’s lines from that film, a reason that Ledger is posthumously up for an Oscar and was spoken of a nomination before his passing, a reason that when you think of that film, you think of the Joker. And it’s the same reason kids love to dunk, that we like the fastbreak more than the halfcourt, and why Gilbert Arenas is on the All-Star ballot despite not playing a tick and Bruce Bowen has never been a serious DPOY of the year candidate. It’s human nature, and it plays out every night on the court.
The best part is that there will never be an answer to the question. The fundamentalists will respond with “Who’s got the rings?” and the other side will respond with a cackle and just a simple…
“You’ll see. I’ll show you.”
Hardwood Paroxysm: What Doesn’t Kill You Only Makes You Less Likely To Rebound: Seven Seconds Or Less And The Dark Knight.

Nice Comment on Work Effort And Success!

from here

And yes, I get paid well, and I get treated well, and I probably have it better than 99% of people out there. Am I thankful for that? I absolutely am every single day. I realize how awesome it is to love what I do, but I didn’t just fall into it. I wasn’t just handed it. And every single day isn’t gumdrops. I think I worked pretty hard to get where I am. Am I spoiled? I wouldn’t say so. Okay, maybe a tiny bit. But when it really comes down to it, do I know any developers who are very successful and don’t pour their heart and soul into their work?
Absolutely not.

The Problem With Torture

Reading something so short and yet be able to say that the way you think and feel has been changed!
from wroing the rights here:

And the problem with torture is not that it produces untrustworthy information. That is a problem, certainly -we should not expend resources on useless results- but torture would still be unacceptable if it produced the sterling truth every time.

The problem with torture is different.
Torture is the subversion of the body to overthrow the soul. When a person breaks, he is broken: he will give up any information, do whatever is asked of him. He no longer exists as an independent being, a member of society. He is only an instrument of his torturer. His sole aim becomes “make it stop.” That is a cancer on any free society.

Happy New Year

2008 is about to give way to 2009. its 1715H here in the Philippines and a little less than 9 hours till mid night! I am feeing a little nostalgic about the pas years and would like to write about it but, I am still living the moment.
I think I’d write about it later.

This Must Stop-AP study finds $1.6B went to bailed-out bank execs – Yahoo! News

The total amount given to nearly 600 executives would cover bailout costs for many of the 116 banks that have so far accepted tax dollars to boost their bottom lines.
Rep. Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services committee and a long-standing critic of executive largesse, said the bonuses tallied by the AP review amount to a bribe “to get them to do the jobs for which they are well paid in the first place.
“Most of us sign on to do jobs and we do them best we can,” said Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat. “We’re told that some of the most highly paid people in executive positions are different. They need extra money to be motivated!”
The AP compiled total compensation based on annual reports that the banks file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The 116 banks have so far received $188 billion in taxpayer help. Among the findings:
_The average paid to each of the banks’ top executives was $2.6 million in salary, bonuses and benefits.
_Lloyd Blankfein, president and chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs, took home nearly $54 million in compensation last year. The company’s top five executives received a total of $242 million.
AP study finds $1.6B went to bailed-out bank execs – Yahoo! News.

Facebook | Which Zodiac Sign Are You Most Compatible With?

You are most compatible with CANCER! I’m sure most of your friends are Cancerians! Together you’re going to rock! Cancerians are serious, caring, sensitive people with complex psyches. This is a sign that dislikes taking unneccessary risks. They are able to identify with the situations of others because of the keenness of their imaginations. Their sharp ears and talent for mimicry can sometimes give them success on the stage, though their tendency to be emotional may make them overact. A wounded Cancerian is not an easy person to deal with. Given the opportunity at the right time, people of this sign cope remarkably well with fame, fortune, and responsibility. Money and a sense of security play an important part in the Cancerian scheme of life. Though careful with money they are kind, generous and thoughtful.
Facebook | Which Zodiac Sign Are You Most Compatible With?.

Flip Pride- A Good Animated Filipino Made Film – OUR AWESOME PLANET: Kaya ng Filipino Lumipad… a DAYO Review

1. The Dayo Storyline is solid
One of the things I didn’t like about previous Filipino animated movies was that their storyline was corny. Dayo was able to bring to life our animist world with the Nuno sa Punso, Manananggal, Kapre, Tikbalang, Sirena and Syokoy. The Alikupong concept was brilliant. I wanted to shout, “Finally, Filipinos have made our first digitally animated movie! Yes!!!”
OUR AWESOME PLANET: Kaya ng Filipino Lumipad… a DAYO Review.