Why Can't We Have A Better Press Corp (Inquirer.Net Edition)-BNPP revival based on ‘faulty economics’ – INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos

Hmm proofreaders/copy editors ? Damn this is another example of an organization that really doesn’t care much for the web.

BNPP revival based on ‘faulty economics’
By Amy R. Remo
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 21:28:00 02/02/2009
Filed Under: Nuclear power, Protest
WB country director Bert Hofman declined to comment directly on the decision of the House of Representatives to clear the Filipino contractors permanently debarred from bidding for bank-financed projects.
“We’re quite confident that due process has taken place,” Hofman said at the sidelines of the yearend assessment of the Kalahi poverty alleviation program, an initiative of the government and the World Bank.
The bank’s internal investigation concluded that the three firms and two Chinese firms engaged in collusive practices to rig the bid.
“In response to questions, I elaborate on the process of investigation and evaluation and the sanctions of the Board,” Hofman said.
Hofman defended their investigation as a “very long and very careful” process, designed by the World Bank staff.
The process was approved by the stakeholders of the World Bank, including the Philippines, Hofman pointed out.
Eduardo de Luna, owner of the E.C. De Luna Construction Corp. which was banned permanently by the World Bank, denied in the two congressional hearings that he colluded with other Filipino and Chinese companies in rigging the bidding for a $33-million road project.
On January 14, the World Bank released a statement, which said it had banned the Filipino and Chinese contractors “for engaging in collusive practices under a major WB-financed roads project in the Philippines.”
Leonard McCarthy, World Bank Integrity vice president, said in the statement that this incident was “one of our most important and far-reaching cases, and it highlights the effectiveness of the World Bank’s investigative and sanctions process.”
“As the World Bank Group continues to ramp up its anti-corruption work, INT (Integrity Vice Presidency) will remain vigilant in investigating allegations and holding wrongdoers accountable,” McCarthy said.
According to the statement, the INT is “responsible for investigating allegations of fraud and corruption in Bank-financed operations.”
BNPP revival based on ‘faulty economics’ – INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos.

rePost–The Winner Stands Alone : My comments on the book by Paulo Coelho at Paulo Coelho’s Blog

Excellent read

The Winner Stands Alone : My comments on the book by Paulo Coelho
by Paulo Coelho on January 23, 2009
One of the recurrent themes of my books is the importance of paying the price of your dreams. But to what extent can our dreams be manipulated? For the past decades, we lived in a culture that privileged fame, money, power – and most of the people were led to believe that these were the real values that we should pursue.
We all should be a “winner”. Not in the sense of someone who finally wins what is important to his/her life. Not in the sense that happiness is the most valuable gift on Earth – and it can be attained here and now, when your work fulfills your heart. We should be a winner in the sense that the system portraits a successful person: celebrity, influence, photos in glossy magazines, behaving like the masters of the universe.
Yes, you may reach the goal society has fed you – but will you be satisfied? Will you be whole? Will you be in peace? This cycle of possession never ends – because the moment that you think that you have reached your goal another desire creeps in. And how can you find rest when it is the hunt that moves you?
The Winner Stands Alone : My comments on the book by Paulo Coelho at Paulo Coelho’s Blog.

Strangely Evoked Some Feelings-Why I'm Twittering From Davos Even Though I Run Reuters

Wow, Some people do get it. Read the whole thing!

Why I’m Twittering From Davos Even Though I Run Reuters
David Schlesinger | January 30, 2009 1:25 PM
schlesinger.jpgDavid Schlesinger is the Editor in Chief of Reuters News. His Twitter from Davos alerted us to the fact that George Soros had predicted the end of the world. We asked David whether, by live-Twittering, he was concerned about scooping himself. Here, in a post on Reuters, David responds:
Twittering Away Standards…Or Tweeting The Future of Journalism?
I’ve been tweeting from the World Economic Forum, using the microblogging platform Twitter to discuss the mundane (describing crepuscular darkness of the Swiss Alps at 5 a.m.) or the interesting (live tweeting from presentations).
Is it journalism?
Is it dangerous?
Is it embarrassing that my tweets even beat the Reuters newswire?
Why I’m Twittering From Davos Even Though I Run Reuters.

rePost Cool Learning Resource-I’m Attending MIT, Stanford & Harvard ~ Mattias Geniar

Cool learning resource!

I’m Attending MIT, Stanford & Harvard
January 29th, 2009
Goto comments Leave a comment
Well, sort of.
Thanks to Academic Earth, a friggin’ gift, you can follow (video) lectures given at universities like Stanford, MIT, Harvard & Yale on some of the most popular subjects. There once was a time when you couldn’t wait to get out of school, I suppose it makes sense to have a time where you’d do anything to learn new things.
Especially things you choose. And only those subjects you really like (did anyone say obligated French?).
The videos include all sort of subjects, such as Computer Science (/love), Mathematics, Engineering, … all explained by well-respected professors.
I’m Attending MIT, Stanford & Harvard ~ Mattias Geniar.

rePost – Excellent Advice–wronging rights: So You Really Do Want to Go to Law School: What Now?

This advice applies to most things like your career, your job, choosing the club you hang out , etc!

Wrong. It is possible to be happy in law school, if you pick the right one. I loved it. I adored my classes, my profesors, and my classmates, and I don’t think that I would have had the same experience if I had gone somewhere else. I went to Georgetown, so I can’t really comment on the experience at other schools, but I think that my decision to go there was one of the best I ever made.
I did the Alternative Curriculum, known within the law school by the Roswellesque nickname “Section 3.” That meant that in my first year, my section took roughly the same subjects as everyone else, but re-framed with a more critical, theoretical bent. Think “Democracy and Coercion” instead of Constitutional Law, and “Legal Process and Society” instead of Civil Procedure. That was a good call, for three reasons. First, my fellow students and I had all chosen to do something a little different, and which weeded out the insanely risk-averse students whose lives were governed by fear that they might do the wrong thing. Those guys are less fun to be around. Second, the Section 3 professors had also chosen to step outside the well-worn grooves of the standard first-year curriculum. That correlated with increased levels of zaniness, but also of love for teaching and for their particular subjects. Third, the academic approach suited me (more legal theory, less case law). Programs like Section 3 are rare. Of the top schools, the only similar program I know of is at Yale, whose law school program is just one giant alternative curriculum. But if you get into a school that has one, I highly recommend going.
wronging rights: So You Really Do Want to Go to Law School: What Now?.

rePost–wronging rights: Should You Go to Law School? Not Unless You Want To Be a Lawyer.

Excellent point of view! People sometimes complicate things too much, this sets them straight because you can just about say this with most career’s , probably except the hard science that are more focused on math.

Should You Go to Law School? Not Unless You Want To Be a Lawyer.
I loved law school, and I am incredibly glad that I decided to go. I am happy with where my career is, and excited about where it appears to be going. In short, my life is good: I am a lucky girl.
wronging rights: Should You Go to Law School? Not Unless You Want To Be a Lawyer..

Yehey! Why Are Math Jobs So Much Fun? – Tom Davenport – HarvardBusiness.org

Yehey I am on the top ten (Software Engineer /computer systems analyst), CHucks lucky he’s a mathematician!

The top three jobs in the survey–mathematician, actuary, and statistician–are all highly quantitative. Several others in the top ten–biologist, software engineer, computer systems analyst, and sociologist (yay–that’s my field)–are also often mathematical.
Why Are Math Jobs So Much Fun? – Tom Davenport – HarvardBusiness.org.

Despicable Behavior Yuck–naked capitalism: Merrill Execs Pay Selves Bonuses Ahead of Schedule (and Before BofA Closing)

Let us remember the fact set: Merrill managed to get Bank of America to agree to buy it in September, elbowing aside Lehman. The deal is subject to shareholder approval, however. BofA, realizing it has acquired a garbage barge, threatens to scuttle the deal unless Uncle Sam lends a helping hand. Negotiations proceed behind closed doors (and neither Merrill nor BofA shareholders are told prior to the shareholder vote that BofA has agreed to do the deal subject to some form of government support).
Now we learn that after it was evident that the US taxpayer was going to subsidize the Merrill acquisition, the Merrill compensation committee accelerated bonus payments by a month to make sure they were paid out before the BofA deal closed.
Efforts are being made to minimize the amount involved (it is claimed to be only $3-$4 billion, but the fact is amounts were reserved in prior quarters that are excessive in light of full year performance. So the fact that some of the amounts were allowed for in previous quarters is misleading).
naked capitalism: Merrill Execs Pay Selves Bonuses Ahead of Schedule (and Before BofA Closing).

rePost FUNNY–Grasping Reality with Both Hands: Ummm… Are There No Copyeditors?

Ummm… Are There No Copyeditors?
Laura Meckler writes:
Washington Wire – WSJ.com: Women’s Groups Protest Dropping Contraceptives Provision in Stimulus: Women’s and reproductive rights groups expressed dismay Tuesday after the White House and congressional Democrats agreed to drop a provision from the economic stimulus package that would have made it easier for states to expand coverage of contraceptives through their Medicaid programs.
The measure had become a target of GOP attacks, such as this one from House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio “How you can spend hundreds of millions of dollars on contraceptives? How does that stimulate the economy?” he said last week. His argument is part of a Republican hammering that too much in the bill will not serve to aid the economy.
Supporters of the measure point to an estimate by the Congressional Budget Office that, by the third year of implementation, the measure would actually save $100 billion per year by preventing some pregnancies and avoiding the Medicaid cost of delivering and then caring for these babies…
Surely this is $100 million a year? I mean, $100 billion a year is $1,333 in reduced Medicaid costs for every post-menarche pre-menopause woman in the United States…
Grasping Reality with Both Hands: Ummm… Are There No Copyeditors?.

Inspiration–The hidden enemy at Paulo Coelho’s Blog

I actually do this, I got Fired from my First and Second Jobs and whenever I feel uninspired to work, I either read the emails of my boss from my first job or read my evaluation from my second job. I get energized whenever i do this.

The hidden enemy
by Paulo Coelho on January 28, 2009
The friends of the warrior of the light wonder where his energy comes from. He answers: “from the hidden enemy.”
His friends ask him who that is.
The warrior answers: “someone we cannot hurt.”
It may be a boy who beat him in a fight when they were youngsters, the girlfriend who left him at the age of eleven, the teacher who called him stupid.
The hidden enemy becomes a stimulus. When the warrior is tired, he remembers that he has yet to show his courage.
He does not think about vengeance, because the hidden enemy is no longer part of his history. He thinks only of improving his skills so that his feats can be known to all and reach the ears of those who have hurt him in the past.
Yesterday’s pain has become today’s strength.
The hidden enemy at Paulo Coelho’s Blog.