Across the board, all the moms mention one golden rule: Don’t shout or yell at small children.
Traditional Inuit parenting is incredibly nurturing and tender. If you took all the parenting styles around the world and ranked them by their gentleness, the Inuit approach would likely rank near the top. (They even have a special kiss for babies, where you put your nose against the cheek and sniff the skin.)
What the Fork, Amazon? – The New Stack
Had Amazon really been interested in truly changing their ways, as Microsoft has proven time and again, and delivering a truly, valuable and much-needed open source community — they could have started like Microsoft and Google by open sourcing some of its own proprietary technology. Goodness knows that open source cloud has seen its share of difficulty from Solaris, to CloudStack, and even OpenStack. Why not open source parts of YOUR core business? Makes me doubt the real motivations behind your “Open Distro.” It’s really easy to offer someone else’s technology for free, I suppose.
And that’s why I understand Redis, MongoDB, and other companies like InfluxData who found themselves having to change their licenses or close source some premium features to be able to build a sustainable business, and protect themselves from such cynical and hostile corporate behavior.
Preaching open source to a vibrant open source company with deep roots in the OSS values — that has been fully transparent about their needs to monetize and maintain a stellar product, and make dubious claims about its authenticity is simply disingenuous. This is Amazon seeing someone’s shiny toy, and just wanting it for themselves. MINE MINE MINE. This is called a fork.
And this is the dark side of open source. It is the adverse effect we would like the world of open source to be devoid of, as it will have destructive effects on everything that has been built and may be conceptualized and innovated under the auspices of open source.
The Open-Closed Principle at an Architectural Level – DZone Microservices
The best thing we can do is to provide enough information inside the message to fulfill the original use case we considered in our initial design, but also to make it usable for new microservices we haven’t thought of yet. A good starting point is to include the ID of the major Bounded Contexts entities involved or related to the fact we are communicating with this event. Of course, this will break the Law of Demeter, new microservices will need to traverse several entities, but this is a tradeoff we need to make. And that is what software architecture is all about, how to make good tradeoffs in order to have the best possible system. The ability to follow the OCP principle is something so important and useful that sometimes justifies breaking the Law of Demeter.
Source: The Open-Closed Principle at an Architectural Level – DZone Microservices
Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people…
Via Bob Reich: Harry S Truman (1952): Batavia, New York: Rear Platform: “Senator Taft… explained that the great issue in this campaign is ‘creeping socialism’. Now that is the patented trademark of the special interest lobbies. Socialism is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years. Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called Social Security. Socialism is what they called farm price supports. Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance. Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people…
SOLID Java – Filippo Buletto
SOLID Java SOLID states for five design principles that help a developer build easy to extend and maintain software:
S – Single-responsibility principle
O – Open-closed principle
L – Liskov substitution principle
I – Interface segregation principle
D – Dependency Inversion Principle
In this post I’m not going to explain what’s hidden behind it though, it’s been already done in dozens of articles all over the web!
Source: SOLID Java – Filippo Buletto
Fluent interface – Wikipedia
In software engineering, a fluent interface (as first coined by Eric Evans and Martin Fowler) is a method for designing object oriented APIs based extensively on method chaining with the goal of making the readability of the source code close to that of ordinary written prose, essentially creating a domain-specific language within the interface.
Source: Fluent interface – Wikipedia
QOTD 2019 03 17
Let me outline the most basic, since we appear not to have learned them yet. If a people believe “society doesn’t need to exist”, they are also going to end up going without all the things that a society provides. Public goods will never develop — like public healthcare, affordable education, safety nets, and so on. As a result, inequality will skyrocket, because people will have to pay capitalists monopoly prices for the things they should have simply given each other. Because there’s little social investment in such a society, it will soon enough grow impoverished — after all, capitalists are hardly interested in sharing the wealth, and the gains they accumulate will simply go to yachts, mansions, and shares. All that describes America perfectly, doesn’t it?
The seven moral rules that supposedly unite humanity — Quartz
For the study, Curry’s group studied ethnographic accounts of ethics from 60 societies, across over 600 sources. The universal rules of morality are:
Help your family
Help your group
Return favors
Be brave
Defer to superiors
Divide resources fairly
Respect others’ property
Source: The seven moral rules that supposedly unite humanity — Quartz
Calculate the Optimum Number of Threads – bad.robot
Calculate the Optimum Number of ThreadsJUN 1ST, 2013Working out the theoretical optimal number of threads you should use for your application is fairly straightforward. You do, however, need to understand your applications runtime characteristics. Is it mostly occupied with CPU intensive work or is it mostly waiting for IO?In this post, we look at how to work out a good thread pool size for your CPU and IO based tasks.
Alone/Together 2019 03 09
I enjoyed the movie.
I understood the characters.
I may not agree with their decisions but who am I kidding. The movie suckered me into understanding both liza and enrique’s characters.