Musings 2017 07 29 2209

Watching Roy Basa’s story in MMK tonight can’t help but wish that people understood that intergenerational poverty and social immobility is the main problem of our country. Something infrastructure projects cannot overcome.
Strengthening healthcare through PhilHealth and funding the public hospitals helps in solving the number one cause of financial calamity in the Philippines.
K-12 helps in funding the low hanging fruit in education. Making high school graduates employable or equipped for entrepreneurship.
CCT program create incentives for parents to force their children to school. Before senior high you have to graduate from high school. Before you go to high school you have to graduate elementary. Before you go to elementary you have to graduate from kinder. The financial incentive of CCT helps create senior highschool graduates that hopefully make a dent against inter generational poverty and lack of social mobility

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