Musings 20170527 : Pure Genius

Been binging on the not renewed 13 episode season 1 and done TV series Pure Genius.

I have been binging a lot when I’m home and working because it helps regulate my ADHD tendencies. Uping the distractions allow me to focus more, strange as that may sound.

Pure genius is about a Silicon Valley billionaire who goes in to the medical field by funding a fully free hospital,  research lab,  tech startup, all rolled up into one bunker hill.
That is only half of what inspired this musings. The other half being a sense of clarity that we are non ethical. Please note I didn’t say unethical. We are more of non ethical because or probably because of how hard it has been in the past as my friend Ireneo Salazar likes to point out every man for himself, every thing he can get.

In a past musings post I theorized that because we are a country in the edges a country in dire poverty and extreme inequality that we are the perfect place fpr disruption. Innovation happens in the edges and we are definitely there.
In Pure Genius the FDA is always a consideration in moving the science forward. I’ve read enough abstracts and executive summaries to agree. The FDA in trying to stop people from dying may be killing more people by slowing down progress in lifesaving or life improving technology. In Pure Genius in almost every episode there is the ghost of FDA bans/approvals/exceptions in the background.

We have shown a surprising lack of ethics, morals and whatnot why don’t we go full blast in what the US FDA’s dangerous non human ready drug/device/treatment trials.
I have to be honest I don’t think that the figures may make sense. That is the issue with a mere 100 Million population. I really suspect the FDA thing is best done by large population countries like India and China. There is actually excitement and fear in the back of myind that they’ve cured all these diseases in china because of looser regulations.
Where are all the rogue researchers. Rogue not in the cheating the data sense but rather the don’t fucking care what the FDA says rogue.

Hay where are my artificial lungs, my artificial liver, artificial kidneys, etc.
PS: I am still irked about the hearing aid thing.

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