Surgical sieve – Wikipedia

Although there are several versions around the world with slight variations, the surgical sieve usually consist of the following types of process in the human body in any particular order:

  • Congenital
  • Acquired
  • Vascular
  • Infective
  • Traumatic
  • Autoimmune
  • Metabolic
  • Inflammatory
  • Neurological
  • Neoplastic
  • Degenerative
  • Environmental
  • Unknown

A more extensive, and perhaps more concise mechanism of employing the surgical sieve is using the mnemonic MEDIC HAT PINE:

  • Metabolic (conditions relating to metabolism, biochemistry, and the like)
  • Endocrinological (conditions relating to the various secretory systems within the body)
  • Degenerative (conditions relating to age-related destruction of tissue, or stress-related destruction of tissue)
  • Inflammatory/Infective (conditions that primarily present in a way that involves the profane activation of the immune system)
  • Congenital (conditions present at birth)
  • Haematological (conditions relating to the blood system, in one way or another)
  • Autoimmune (conditions relating to the inappropriate activation of the immune system, in one of many ways)
  • Traumatic (conditions relating to a physical response between two or more objects)
  • Psychological/Neurological (conditions relating to the nervous system, in one way or another – whether that be the CNS or the PNS)
  • Idiopathic/iatrogenic (conditions without a known cause, or without a known cause outside of medical intervention)
  • Neoplastic (conditions relating to cancers)
  • Environmental (conditions relating to exposures, and dose-response relationships thereof)

Source: Surgical sieve – Wikipedia