Thoughts on Sunshine (2007)

I’m declaring a temporary defeat. I suck at writing reviews. I take solace on my probably mistaken but comforting belief that the conversational and unstructured way of writing is more suited to a podcast or a conversation about a film rather than a formal review.
I’m procrastinating on watching Never Let Me Go. I still haven’t gotten over Atonement probably because it was the first time I watched a movie in Eastwood and I was practically alone in the movie house so I didn’t have to hold back the tears and the emotionalism that comes out whenever  something moves me, as a side note Keira Knightly’s  + british movie is slowly becoming equal to depressing for me.
Another aside I love this time of the year, award seasons is upon us and it means lots of screeners (sent to awards voters for them to see the films outside of academy/emmy/sag/golden globes showings.) This means I have True Grit 127 Hours,Never Let Me got, The Fighter (still haven’t finished this download), The Hunter and some other awards hopefuls on the to watch list.
Not really wanting to watch what would probably have my mind thinking non stop of f I decided to watch Sunshine by Danny Boyle. A film I didn’t catch when it was shown because I was graduating, getting fired from my first job , taking the EE board exams, or was in my first corporate job (I don’t remember but that was what was happening to me in 2007). I remember reading about this movie on ebert’s site and remembering how he liked it but not unequivocally.
I’d have to say that although this was pretty much classic

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