rePost::Auntie Janey’s Old-Fashioned Agony Column # 24: What a good girl really wants is a bad, bad boy | JessicarulestheUniverse

Dear 27 and (Still) Single Since Birth,
Having read your letter I get the impression that you are a witty, funny, intelligent, decent and, as you have explicitly pointed out, straight man. Unfortunately my friend, these are not enough to snag you a girl or even a boy (boys are actually more picky than girls when choosing boys).
I once had a roommate who had a thing for foreign girls. After months of distant longing for an American girl, he put on his striped long-sleeved polo, puffed up his chest, gathered what confidence he had and approached the girl of his dreams in broad daylight and in front of the whole school. He introduced himself, declared his undying love, and offered her a brand new copy of The Silmarillion. To say that the girl was taken aback is an understatement but at least she had the decency to not accept his gift and to politely decline his affections.
We were not yet roommates when it happened but he told me about it during a moment of frustration about his non-existent lovelife. “I’m a decent guy” he told me with a pained expression and his suffering was evident in his eyes. “Why do good, decent girls go for guys who do not amount to anything? I have a degree (it was more of a certificate for a two-year course) and these guys that they go after will never even finish college!”
I did not have my Auntie Janey powers back then and I was more interested in the fact that he offered the girl a copy of the book I had been longing to read than concerned for his emotional well-being.
Now that I have seen some of the lands that lay beyond the fairy mists that bordered my homeland, I can tell you this: Good, decent girls go for uncouth deadbeat men because these girls are tired of being good and decent and they want excitement and unpredictability in their lives. Yes, this is true even though a lot of educated high-achieving girls would go “Eeeeeeeeewwwwwww” at the thought.
via Auntie Janey’s Old-Fashioned Agony Column # 24: What a good girl really wants is a bad, bad boy | JessicarulestheUniverse.

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