rePost :: Transom » Ira Glass

This is something of a notes to friends from my generation. We can’t seem to accept how slow things can be. How slow it is to finally be good at something enough for you to enjoy it immensely. How slow it is to get to the point where you have a sliver of feeling that you are in control of your life.

I bring all of this up to say that if you’re someone who wants to make radio stories (or do any kind of creative work), you’re probably going to have a period when things might not come too easily. For some people, that’s just a year. For others, like me, it’s eight years. You might feel completely alone and lost during this period — God knows I did — and I hope it’s reassuring in some small way to hear that what you’re going through is completely normal. Most people go through it. And there are things you can do during this period of mediocrity that will get you to the next step, that will drive you toward skill and competence.
via Transom » Ira Glass.

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