SSS hike: finance with no numbers | Inquirer Opinion

The SSS campaign is a stark contrast to the intelligent tax reform initiative of Sen. Sonny Angara and Rep. Miro Quimbo. They presented compelling numbers, such as how 84 percent of individual taxpayers do not pay income tax, leaving the 16 percent with an impossible burden. They pinpointed what items in the national budget could be cut back to support tax relief.If we bewail fake news, should we not elevate public discourse and demand that demagogues and populists emulate Angara and Quimbo instead of instigating rallies?Why do we consistently glorify those who, like drums, speak loudest, yet ring the most hollow when they demand quick fixes, and demonize those who pursue the slow, unglamorous task of nation-building?React:, Twitter @oscarfbtan,

Source: SSS hike: finance with no numbers | Inquirer Opinion

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