Revelations of the TV5-SWS Exit Poll | Mobile

The more the schooling, the more the appeal of Duterte: His lead over Roxas was 28 points among college graduates, 19 points over those with some college, 8 points among those with some high school, and 7 points among others.The younger the voter, the more the appeal of Duterte: His lead over Roxas was 33 points in ages 18-24, 26 points in ages 25-34, 14 points in ages 35-44, 10 points in ages 45-54, and 4 points in ages 55 and up.Duterte’s lead was 22 points among men, versus only 12 points among women.Duterte was least supported by Catholics. Duterte led Roxas by 16 points among all voters, but by a below-average 10 points among Catholics.  He led massively by 53 points among Muslims, by 70 points among Iglesia ni Cristos, and by 24 points among other Christians.Platform now counts for more than personality. In the 2016 exit poll, 57 percent said they voted for president on the basis of platform, while 40 percent said they voted on the basis of personality. This item had been evenly divided at 46-46 in the 2010 exit poll.

Source: Revelations of the TV5-SWS Exit Poll | Mobile

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