Musing 2015 12 08 0228H : Solution to Crime
Giancarlo Angulo Improve Community Policing by building real communities and making members responsible for each other

Giancarlo Angulo
Giancarlo Angulo Eliminate extreme poverty. Nobody should ever be hungry

Giancarlo Angulo
Giancarlo Angulo Create a Drug treatment program with community support

Giancarlo Angulo
Giancarlo Angulo Install CCTV everywhere and monitor

Giancarlo Angulo
Giancarlo Angulo National ID

Giancarlo Angulo
Giancarlo Angulo BAN GUNS. If you have a gun then SWAT will be called to deal with you. Otherwise even patrolmen should not be allowed to carry guns

Giancarlo Angulo
Giancarlo Angulo There is no one solution. There is a list of solutions that if done concurrently will reduce crime to tolerable levels.

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