rePost::What It REALLY Means To Be Successful (And How We Got It All Wrong) –

Here’s the thing about life: we only have one shot at it. We’ve only got one chance to build a life that’s going to make us happy.We have every right to go for whatever we want: meaningful job, fame, fortune, glory, whatever. But, if we’re not happy in the process, it sounds a lot more like we’re doing it for someone else rather than for ourselves.If success is just a vehicle to happiness, then it seems just a tad bit inefficient to get miserable on your way to success.So let’s flip the equation. Let’s try something radical. Let’s take back control and actually define success for ourselves. Then, at least we know if we’re getting close or totally missing the mark.It’s your life. You get to make the rules. You get to decide what’s going to make you happy.

Source: What It REALLY Means To Be Successful (And How We Got It All Wrong) –
My issue with a lot of self help pips from my country is that they have a habit of thinking they define success. Some people love going to work or at least try to fashion their work to something they love. As if retirement/vacations/fun is all that matters.
I love living in the moment and if I say that being in flow is living in the moment for me then live and let live.

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