The Philippines: promise on the brink | The Society of Honor by Joe America

We must take measure of the man and his acts and find the balance.
A Philippines in the brink of growth. Growth that will spell a good life for the other 99%.
A Philippines that is finally trying to bring justice to high level politicians.
A Philippines whose actions are a template for conflict resolution among countries.
We, each one of us must fuck with sentimentalism and sensationalism. It only enriches the pockets of media barons whose fortunes are tied with how many ad spaces they can sell.
I am for a Philippines of laws. I am for a Philippines where the President can make mistakes and we calmly tell him, It is not okay but nobody is perfect.

Lost to the emotional is the vision of a Philippines on the rise in Asia and the world, of strong economic fundamentals and the kind of growth that could assure better care for the poor IF IT WERE MAINTAINED. Of a peaceful, law-based approach to conflict that seeks to avoid the tears of war. ITLOS, a courageous act, for peace. BBL, an inspired thrust for peace. All led by this same hard-hearted, honest president with his calm, determined eye on a better way to do things.
But you will not read of that in the tabloids. The tabloids will not point out that this man wants peace and stability and better care and fewer dead. No, in the tabloids, the crooks, political opponents, leftists and malcontents are actually JOINED by the emotional to raise the pitch of discontent to a fevered wail.
And in the noise of that wail, all the good things don’t matter. The President’s honesty does not matter. His desire and work for peace and a better life for the living don’t matter. Keeping the economy running smoothly does not matter.
via The Philippines: promise on the brink | The Society of Honor by Joe America.

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