rePost::What I Wish I Knew When I Started My Career as a Software Developer

I think I need a change.
BTW this is awesome advise for programmer friends!!!

11. Exercise. It affects your health, your self-confidence, your sex life, your poise and your career. That hour of exercise pays itself off in increased productivity. If you find yourself no longer exercising, you’re throwing down too many hours and you need to garbage-collect your life.
12. Long hours: sometimes okay, usually harmful. The difference between 12% growth and 6% growth is meaningful. Applied to a $60,000 salary over 10 years, one takes you to $107,451 and the other takes you to $186,351. That’s a big difference (not just in salary, but in the level of job that those numbers suggest). When your work is multiplicative in nature and your input/output relationship is truly exponential, work hard. Don’t work long hours on the merely additive stuff (“more of the same”) that doesn’t advance your career or knowledge in a long-standing way. If you’re just doubling up on grunt work so some jerk boss can save money because you’re working two positions and taking one salary, then fuck it. Walk away. It may not feel like the case, but he needs you more than you need him.
via What I Wish I Knew When I Started My Career as a Software Developer.

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