Has Harry Roque lost his marbles? | The Society of Honor by Joe America

I cannot endorse this more!

I have decided that Roque is an intimidator. It is a form of extortion, a way to get his political way by using . . . stepping on, threatening, attacking . . . the innocent or vulnerable. First, the American soldier is clearly, by all moral standards, innocent until proven guilty. Second, Laude was murdered by a person, not the United States of America. Third, the AFP was simply doing its job. Roque attacked all three, soldier, US and AFP. Bluster. Press conferences. Intimidation. Lawsuits.
No evidence in hand . . .
As an intimidator and extortionist, Roque is not armed with guns and he does not have a gang of bullies behind him. But make no mistake, his method of operation is forceful if not brutal. He uses the courts as his weapons, and they are pliable to his manipulations. He files fast and furious, plays the press, and he makes life hell for anyone who crosses him. He will make the AFP . . . or rather, Philippine taxpayers . . . pay a lot of money to defend  the AFP’s responsible behavior and punish his irresponsible behavior.
As if anyone with a grievance can sneak people into a prison and stand complicit as they scale jailhouse walls in protest. Free speech, that?
via Has Harry Roque lost his marbles? | The Society of Honor by Joe America.

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