Research shows Portal 2 is better for you than 'Brain training' software

Now you’re thinking with Portals. Or rather, you should be – according to research from Florida State University, which has shown that playing Portal 2 is apparently better for your thinking skills than your average ‘brain training’ software.
The short study, conducted by Valerie Shute, only took place over 8 hours – so whilst it doesn’t give us the full picture for her findings, it does show an interesting starting point for seeing how mainstream video games can aid with a better understanding of Neuroplasticity (the idea that an adult brain can grow and change for the better through training and constructive methods of play).
Shute and her colleagues split their test subjects into two groups: One group played popular brain training software Lumosity for 8 hours, the other played Portal 2. After their playing sessions, the groups were then subjected to a deadly neurotoxin a series of standard cognitive skills tests – and the group that had spent their time outwitting GLaDOS trumped the group who’d played Lumosity in every one.
via Research shows Portal 2 is better for you than ‘Brain training’ software.

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