Dysprosody: When You Can't Stress Words or You Can't Stress Words

What’s the difference between telling people they shouldn’t do something and telling them they shouldn’t do something? If you have dysprosody, nothing. People with dysprosody can’t control the stresses in their speech, and it makes a world of difference.
Those who have studied poetry will be familiar with, and perhaps exasperated by, the concept of prosody. Prosody is the rhythm, intonation, and stress of speech. Most people study it, however briefly, in school when they cover a poetry unit – mapping out the pauses and stresses in sonnets and other rhythmic poems. Prosody isn’t a strictly artistic invention. The way we stress and intone words in everyday speech conveys a great deal of meaning.
via Dysprosody: When You Can’t Stress Words or You Can’t Stress Words.

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