BOO RAPPLER::Binay will wallop Aquino in 2016 – survey

Shame  on Rappler. 
This is not news in the strictest sense. This is tabloid news.
File this as another proof that Rappler has become the press agent of the VP.
First why is the basic question not stated?
There is a big difference in how you ask/frame the question.
For example:
If they go head to head in the 2016 Elections who would you vote for Aquino or Binay?
If President Aquino was not president and ran head to head against Binay who would you vote for.
If President Aquino despite being constitutionally barred from running  ran head to head against Binay who would you vote for.
Rappler had so much promise but damn it has shown it’s true colors in it’s coverage of Binay.
EDIT: I think this is too knee jerk a reaction  and too general.
It should rather read: The editorial standards of Rappler are slowly eroding. Instead of aspiring to become the New York Times It is slowly becoming

MANILA, Philippines – The consistent frontrunner in presidential polls, Vice President Jejomar Binay, will not be threatened so easily.
The results of a confidential survey obtained by Rappler show that, in a one-on-one, Binay will wallop the administration’s best bet for the 2016 presidential elections – President Benigno Aquino III himself.
Binay will get 62% of voters nationwide while Aquino will get 36%.
via Binay will wallop Aquino in 2016 – survey.

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