To Read: Sources on what happened during the Marcos Dictatorship

Got this list from alan robles of the #neveragain  facebook group.
Reposting here because facebook is basically a sinkhole.
Sources on the Marcos Douchetatorship
1. Raymond Bonner – Waltzing With A Dictator
2. Sandra Burton – Impossible Dream
3. Stanley Karnow – In Our Image
4. Alfred McCoy – An Anarchy of Families
5. Alfred McCoy – Policing America’s Empire

1. Primitivo Mijares – The Conjugal Dictatorship
2. Beth Day Romulo – Inside the Palace
1. Ricardo Manapat – Some are Smarter Than Others
2. William Overholt – The Rise and Fall of Ferdinand Marcos
1. Alfred McCoy – Closer Than Brothers

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