Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? |  This is A Crazy Planets |  SPOT.ph

(SPOT.ph) THAT we have lying, thieving morons still in our midst and noble, dedicated, decent men tragically snatched away from us seems like proof of an absurd universe. And that the only way to deal with such senselessness is suicide, so said some smart French writer who died—tragically, as well—in a car crash. A few days after Robredo’s confirmed death, the national consciousness was gripped with one question: “Lord, Bakit siya pa? Bakit hindi na lang si (INSERT NAME OF MOST HATED POLITICIAN)?” We all have a list of names that we’d like to see get involved in ghastly vehicular mishaps. Except that we seem to have already resigned ourselves in the belief that the assholes of this world live eternally.
via Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? |  This is A Crazy Planets |  SPOT.ph.

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