rePost::Nothing and everything is sacred ::Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, The Great Charter, Its Fate, and Ours | TomDispatch

Emphasis mine. It is in the interest of everyone, even the religious and even the non religious to subscribe to the belief that the original of all just power is the people and not the King, not even God. This is because my unoriginal and extremely feeble mind sees that the only way to reconcile a multi-stakeholder society that a democracy will slowly embolden is to believe that nothing and everything is sacred.

After a bitter conflict between King and Parliament, the power of royalty in the person of Charles II was restored.  In defeat, Magna Carta was not forgotten.  One of the leaders of Parliament, Henry Vane, was beheaded.  On the scaffold, he tried to read a speech denouncing the sentence as a violation of Magna Carta, but was drowned out by trumpets to ensure that such scandalous words would not be heard by the cheering crowds.  His major crime had been to draft a petition calling the people “the original of all just power” in civil society — not the King, not even God.  That was the position that had been strongly advocated by Roger Williams, the founder of the first free society in what is now the state of Rhode Island.  His heretical views influenced Milton and Locke, though Williams went much farther, founding the modern doctrine of separation of church and state, still much contested even in the liberal democracies.
via Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, The Great Charter, Its Fate, and Ours | TomDispatch.

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