Reporting tips: Anthony Shadid |

More tips on the blog post. RIP Anthony Shadid.

Shadid was deeply convicted of the importance of his work.
On, Hicks writes:
“The risks in Syria were very high, but we took them with great planning and caution, believing it was worth it to tell the story of this massacre. He was full of vigor and inspiration in our week of reporting, saying endlessly that he could not wait to start writing.
The end came suddenly, on our way out of Syria toward Turkey. He did not suffer. He died peacefully, doing what he believed in.”
There are as many reasons to leave journalism as there are news organizations. And not everyone should be a journalist. But if you choose this profession, make sure you’re passionate about it. That passion will carry you through and propel you toward exhilarating stories that, ultimately, will help make our world a better place.
via Reporting tips: Anthony Shadid |.

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