Season 4 of Breaking Bad

Was busy the past few months and between family/friends, and rss feeds/books/series the former tends to win.
This makes for less blog posts, books read, programs done, and movies/television seen.
I actually watched the first two episodes of season 4 as it was being shown last year. I’ve been a fan since all the “The Wire” comparisons finally pushed me to watch the show and although I still love “The Wire” the most and believe that I haven’t seen a show that can match it Breaking Bad is an awesome show that deserves all the comparisons. The individual episodes of Breaking Bad if taken on its own have a higher entertainment value but when you take the arc from start to end is where The Wire is the stronger show.
Finished episodes 3-12 in about 10 hours.
The show was great and was only boring a handful of times. The tension was there although sometimes the circumstances make suspension of disbelief necessary.

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