rePost::No green light for Carlos Celdran’s last performative tour in Art Dubai « mARTching thoughts

It was without a doubt, a drama worth telling. Carlos Celdran was questioned of his performative tour and was distanced to the Art Dubai hallway in order to finish his on-going tour. With everyone’s amazement, the content of his tour was scrutinized. He was ordered to do his act in front of five men in a close door room where they justify if Carlos somehow talks of Arab nations. As he was released he was told to alter any religious and political content of his tour.
I remember in one of his stop, Carlos talked about the Tripoli Peace Agreement between former Libya leader Ghaddafi and Mrs. Imelda Marcos. In that particular context Carlos told his audience that Mrs. Marcos held a Koran with her as she spoke these words to Ghadafi “Islam is all about peace, but if you are funding a war in my country you are turning Filipino to fight against Filipino, you are also turning Muslim to fight against Muslim. If you are doing this, how then are you following Mohammed?”
via No green light for Carlos Celdran’s last performative tour in Art Dubai « mARTching thoughts.

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