NBI Clearance Guesstimates of Undercapacity

The problem is that the government requires things it cannot give reliably and with the minimum fuss to its citizens.
I recently was required to get a NBI clearance and here is the deal.
According to their website they have 48 centers that handle between 2000 – 500 per day.
Because their main office are the probably the only place where they can handle 2000 people 2000*48 = 96000[1] people they can handle 100k people per day, given that we have
based on government statistics[2] here we have unemployed or roughly 2.9Million[3] and an underemployed people about 7Million[4].
Given that the BIR system for an upper bound can handle roughly 3.5 million people a day [5]
and that to be included in the unemployment statistics you need to be actively searching for a job this gives us about 2.9 million people who needs an nbi clearance for this year plus who ever is still looking for a job of the 7Million people whose nbi clearance has already expired.
Then NBI centers are barely enough to handle the demand.
What this shows is that the government has a systematic undercapacity to for services that it requires for one to get a job/travel/etc.
We need to demand better planning and better services from the government.
PS: Cross posting this to onthe8spot.com vince.
[1] The satellite office in malls and non big venues handle 500 people per day this makes the estimate very high. I believe a more accurate number could be pegged at 55K based on 1.5 k per regional/district office and 1000 for the satellite office and 500 for the mall offices.
[2] http://www.census.gov.ph/data/pressrelease/2012/lf1201tx.html
[3] 62,689,000 pool x 64.3 Labor force participation rate x 7.2 unemployment rate. I may be using these numbers incorrectly please correct me if you know better.
[4] 62,689,000 pool x 64.3 Labor force participation ratex 92.8 employment rate x 18.2 underemployment rate
[5] Estimate based on 96k * 365 , too high because 6 day work week and holidays.


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