rePost::Jeremy Lin inspires “Linsanity”: Why this is both thrilling and worrisome. – Slate Magazine

For the first time in a week, I didn’t wish for Lin to be anything other than what he was—an utterly unique and galvanizing basketball force. I raised my arms in victory with everyone else in the packed bar and tried in vain to hold back a wide, beery smile. I don’t even like the Knicks.
How could anyone begrudge Lin his naked joy, his infectious effort? How could you not appreciate his poise in the face of this scrutiny, these expectations, the whole mass of us clawing at him across two continents? How could I ask any more from this 23-year-old kid? He had transported me back to that first game I ever watched him play, before I knew who he was or what he believed. I saw only a basketball player capable of dragging a bunch of scrubs to new heights, a point guard, a leader—one who happened to look just a little bit like me.
via Jeremy Lin inspires “Linsanity”: Why this is both thrilling and worrisome. – Slate Magazine.

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