Scary (For Scott Brown) Photo Of Elizabeth Warren Volunteer Meeting Goes Viral | Mediaite

I see Obama a Luke and Warren as Leia although in this timeline Luke succumb to the dark side!
Can’t think of anywhere else but the Daily Show that this would happen!

Update: This afternoon, Elizabeth Warren sent an email to supporters that included the photo, with the subject line “There’s something happening here.” Here’s the full text of Warren’s email:
There’s something happening here in Massachusetts.
I see it as I travel across our state, meeting hard-working men and women who know that the deck has been stacked against them for far too long, people who just want a fair shake again — and want leaders in Washington who will fight for them.
Just take a look at this photo I took from the stage in Framingham Tuesday night — a packed house and tons of enthusiasm for our campaign’s first volunteer organizing meeting:
This is what a real grassroots campaign looks like: A campaign not accountable to Wall Street and its armies of corporate lobbyists, but to working families in Framingham, in Springfield, across the Commonwealth, and around the country who know that we can — and must — do better.
The early days of this campaign have been so inspiring, and I’m glad that you’re a part of it. But we have so much work to do, so many powerful interests lining up against us, and we have to keep the momentum going.
Click here to share this inspiring photo with your friends on Facebook, or post it on Twitter. Show everyone you know the energy of our grassroots movement for the middle class — and invite them to join us.
Together, we can make sure that working families in Massachusetts and across America have a chance to get ahead again. But to do it, we need to keep our grassroots campaign growing strong over the weeks and months ahead.
Thank you for being a part of this,
via Scary (For Scott Brown) Photo Of Elizabeth Warren Volunteer Meeting Goes Viral | Mediaite.

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