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Top 5 Entrepreneurial Habits
I’ve hit upon some ways to identify and establish habits. Now, here are some of the habits that I think are most important for entrepreneurs:
Creativity – Yes, this is something that you can practice. Practice writing down new business ideas or ways to improve your business each and every day. You’ll be amazed at how much easier this will become once you get going and how much untapped creativity you had in you.
Planning/ Organizational – Some people are naturally great at planning and organization, but for the rest of us we’ll have to establish some good habits. Get in the habit of writing down tasks that you want to accomplish in the next day or week. Make sure to record what tasks you do every day. To get more organized, spend some time creating a system for processing paperwork or incoming email. Then spend a little bit of time every day working on that process so things don’t pile up.
Connecting With (the Right) People – Find like-minded people to connect with in real life and online. Social networking habits can really pay off in the long haul. Make sure that you dedicate a little bit of time every day to building your network.
Measuring – In order to improve your business over time you have to be measuring the key elements. For online businesses a lot of metrics and measurement can be automated with tools like Google Analytics. However, getting in the habit of checking these regularly and tweaking things as a result will pay off big.
Communicating – If you already write a blog or a lot of emails this may seem like second nature. However, its worth spending some time analyzing your communications and making sure that you understand your audience and that they’re receiving the same message you think you’re sending.
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