rePost::Maybe the world has ended and we just haven’t noticed. | JessicarulestheUniverse

Every minute you are bombarded with images of things you are supposed to have in order to be happy and successful. To add insult to unfulfilled desire, you see them being flaunted by people who did nothing to deserve them. They didn’t earn their material possessions, they didn’t do any work. How can they afford these things? Why are they rich and famous? Because worldwide media has created an entire class of artificial celebrities—the people you’re supposed to envy and emulate without quite knowing why. They’re in your face all day, taunting you.
As for crime being punished, this is no longer a certainty. You see people getting away with much bigger crimes, people being lionized for screwing the system. Consider that no one has been held to account for breaking the world economy and causing the global financial meltdown.
When you make the list of factors that led to the violence and looting in London in August 2011, please don’t forget to add “Celebrity Culture and Conspicuous Excess.”
Here is a scary thought. It is so scary we hesitate to say it, but it is already on many minds. If it happened in London, could it happen here? Some would say that it’s already happened, except that the looters were not the underclass.
via Maybe the world has ended and we just haven’t noticed. | JessicarulestheUniverse.

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