rePost::Recto wants GSIS charter to specify members’ rights – Nation – GMA News Online – Latest Philippine News

Agree. GSIS must remember that they are (words stolen from a friend) a form of government mandated forced savings. GSIS are holding these funds in trust. Whenever I feel slighted by the service of a place I almost never make a scene; I just never return. For institutions like GSIS and SSS we do not have that option, this means we have to force them to give us the proper service. I salute this!!!

The charter on the state pension fund Government Service Insurance System must undergo revisions to include a provision on members’ rights, Senator Ralph Recto said Sunday.
In a statement, Recto said the GSIS Charter, or Republic Act 8291, must include a provision on the rights of GSIS members mandating the agency to expedite the processing of claims, to act with courtesy towards members, to regularly update its members on GSIS benefits, and to give its aggrieved members the “right to be heard.”
In its present version, the GSIS Charter does not have a provision on the rights of members.
“With these rights [upheld], no member of GSIS would sail into their sunset feeling bitter, empty and shortchanged by the same agency that they helped keep afloat through their monthly contributions,” Recto said.
The senator added that administrative sanctions await any GSIS official or unit violating the rights of the pension fund’s members.
via Recto wants GSIS charter to specify members’ rights – Nation – GMA News Online – Latest Philippine News.

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