Great News :: Freakonomics » Economic Research Wants to Be Free

I’ve long hated how I can’t access JSTOR , and IEEE and a host of other publications. I was spoiled by EEE and College of  Engineering by providing free access to IEEE. Hope the other important journals follow suit,

Economic Research Wants to Be Free
Post by: Justin Wolfers
March 22, 2011 at 9:30 am
Photo: istockphoto
Here’s a test of basic economic literacy: What is the socially optimal price of online access to economics journal articles?
If my students learn only one thing, it’s this: Price equals marginal cost. And the marginal cost of accessing a journal article is pretty much zero. The research has been written, the type has been set, and the salaries have already been paid — usually thanks to a university, think tank, or government grant. So the socially optimal price is: free.  Every time we charge a price higher than this, we risk pricing out someone who might benefit from the insights of an academic scribbler.
The Brookings Papers on Economic Activity – the journal that David Romer and I edit — has decided to take this piece of economic wisdom seriously. The Brookings Papers are now entirely open access. Yep, we’re charging zero; nada; nothing; zip.
Folks in the ivory tower have always had access to the archives through JSTOR, but now you’ll also have access to the most recent volumes. Going open access though is really about providing access to many of the folks who read this blog. Previously, congressional staffers, journalists, think-tankers, private-sector economists, or any variety of policy wonk — or even just folks for whom keeping up with economic debates is a passion, but not a profession — had limited access to academic research. Now, it’s online, and free.
via Freakonomics » Economic Research Wants to Be Free.

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