A Sample of 20 JavaScript Libraries for Data Visualization – ReadWriteCloud

Would love to try coding with these libraries this weekend.

A Sample of 20 JavaScript Libraries for Data Visualization
By Alex Williams / March 19, 2011 2:00 PM / 2 Comments
Hacker News
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Timeseries of English monarchs I am a sucker for data visualization. I am less enamored with infographics these days as I have noticed some hijacking of the medium for public relations stunts. Taking a few anecdotes and drawing some arrows does not cut it in my book.
I did find this excellent post this morning by Jacob Gube on Six Revisions that gives an overview of 20 JavaScript libraries.
Gube says the JavaScript libraries “turn boring numerical data into beautiful, interactive and informative visualizations.” I can agree with that.
Here are five libraries that I picked out from Gube’s post:
via A Sample of 20 JavaScript Libraries for Data Visualization – ReadWriteCloud.

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