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I acknowledge that these measures are draconian, but fuck do they work.

Mayor Lim living in ‘wild, wild west’—De Lima
By Philip Tubeza
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 15:27:00 03/17/2011
Filed Under: Police, Crime, Kidnapping
MANILA, Philippines—He’s living in a different world. This was what Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said of Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim for issuing a shoot-to-kill order against five Manila policemen accused of pocketing P12 million in ransom money a Malaysian businessman paid to his kidnappers.
“He’s still living in a different world—(the) wild, wild west. That is no longer in style and it is against the Constitution, and it is against the law and human rights, for heaven’s sake,” De Lima said in a press conference on Thursday.
Lim gave the shoot-to-kill order on Monday against Senior Inspector Peter Nerviza, Senior Police Office 3 Ernesto Peralta, PO3 Jefferson Britanico, PO3 Mike Ongpauco and PO1 Rommel Ocampo after they walked out of an investigation and went into hiding.
The following day, the policemen surfaced and claimed that their lawyers had advised them against appearing before the police investigation into the disappearance of the ransom money after the kidnappers were arrested.
“He should have allowed it to go through the process. So, maybe he could have given a warning that `If you don’t surrender, we will run after you,’” De Lima said.
“They should have filed a case, and then get a warrant of arrest, but not a shoot-to-kill order,” she added.
Marlon Lopera, the alleged mastermind behind the abduction of Malaysian businessman Eric Chin Sim Tong, had claimed that the ransom money was intact in the bag when the police recovered it.
Tong said he paid P16 million for his ransom but the five policemen reported that the bag had only P4.2 million.—With Tetch Torres,
via Mayor Lim living in ‘wild, wild west’—De Lima –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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