rePost :: Japanese Awesomeness::Reporter's journey to Sendai reveals Japanese virtues – Special Reports – GMA News Online – Latest Philippine News

Even inside the devastated Sendai International Airport where cars, planes and buildings had been strewn about like toys, there was no sign of looting. People using the terminal as a shelter did not even touch the food and water inside the many food shops that had been abandoned.
Since the supply of fuel was severely limited and difficult to purchase, I innocently asked our driver Tosho-san if there was a possibility of siphoning fuel from the wrecked vehicles strewn all over the coast.
Despite their desperation, Japanese residents of tsunami-devastated Sendai calmly line up for food and relief supplies.
His answer made me feel ashamed. Tosho-san told me if we did that he wanted no part of it since he did not want to join us in hell.
This same man would bid us an emotional farewell a day later after his vehicle ran out of fuel in the middle of the highway and we transferred to another.
via Reporter’s journey to Sendai reveals Japanese virtues – Special Reports – GMA News Online – Latest Philippine News.

I have to say that I take issue with how the writer wrote:

Despite their desperation, Japanese residents of tsunami-devastated Sendai calmly line up for food and relief supplies.

But I believe what he should have written was

Despite their desperate situation , Japanese residents of tsunami-devastated Sendai calmly line up for food and relief supplies.

People are desperate because they show this,  or act that way. A situation may be termed desperate. But when you say someone is desperate and he is acting and show himself acting calmly then you are stating this because of something else.
But this is besides the point.
Japan you are Awesome. Your social cohesiveness is second to none. Bravo! We will be rooting for your success.

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