rePost :: PeteSearch: The American Way of Dating

Hmm the weird thing is that we follow the american model when out heterogeneity as a nation maybe lends itself more towards the British model.

The British standard is “go to a party, down some drinks, make eye contact with a person you fancy, proceed to kissing and often much more, wake up the next morning to find that you have magically become one half of a couple”. It seems like the goal was to avoid any unambiguous declarations of interest, so that at any point either person can end the process without the other losing face.
This isn’t how it usually works in the US, at least in the mainstream. The formality and rituals surrounding courtship feel like something out of a Noh play. The very idea of actually asking a near-stranger for a date, explicitly and with no particular preamble, in the full knowledge that you may be turned down, seems nothing short of revolutionary compared to the system I grew up with.
via PeteSearch: The American Way of Dating.

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