rePost :: :: 51 hours left to live : IAmA

51 hours left to live (self.IAmA)
submitted 17 hours ago by Lucidending
On Tuesday I’ll finally end my battle with cancer thanks to Oregon’s Death with dignity act. As part of my preparations I’ve ended my pain medication and am trying to regain what little dignity and clarity I can.
Who I was doesn’t matter. I’m in pain, I’m tired and I’m finally being granted a small shred of respect. Feel free to AMA if you’re so inclined.
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via 51 hours left to live : IAmA.

51 hours left to live (self.IAmA)

submitted 17 hours ago by Lucidending

On Tuesday I’ll finally end my battle with cancer thanks to Oregon’s Death with dignity act. As part of my preparations I’ve ended my pain medication and am trying to regain what little dignity and clarity I can.

Who I was doesn’t matter. I’m in pain, I’m tired and I’m finally being granted a small shred of respect. Feel free to AMA if you’re so inclined.

some notable words:

IranFree 265 points 17 hours ago[-]

any regrets?

Lucidending [S] 674 points 17 hours ago[-]

Yes, one. I bought my high school sweetheart an engagement ring and never gave it to her. Life happened, meaning in was dumb. I went in the military after a dumb fight and…. Yeah just one


rebel_rouser 4 points 16 hours ago[-]

Send the ring to her, there is still time!

Lucidending [S] 146 points 16 hours ago[-]

That would be awful. I found her 9 months ago and talked on the phone. She has no idea I’m sick and asked to meet. I have a letter for her that she will get Monday morning. She may call, but I’ll never tell her about the ring. I plan to take it with me

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