Astig, Estrada on the Offensive

Revenge is a dish best served cold. hehehe. I have a feeling that the recent offensive against the afp generals (notice the non capitalization FTS). I have a suspicion that these are the same generals that withdrew their support from the former president.
Corrupt VS Corrupt the people win??
I’ve always been conflicted about this, but if we have to wait for a white knight (CUE in Hans Zimmer) we would probably never be able to clean up the system. Cleaning up large messes such as our society has proven to be a game of inches (superbowl inspired sentence). We try to improve little by little, introduce systems of oversight , systems of transparency, till we finally have a place most people can be proud of.
We should view the Philippines as a young country, we do not have the foundations of a 1000, 2000  even 3000 year old culture for a cohesive and ready for success country. Philippine culture is probably less than 50 years and yet what we have already achieved when viewed in the proper context cannot be scoffed at.
BTW this is a rabbit hole we are entering. Who watches the watchmen?? (We are looking at you COA and Ombudsman)
PS: Both parents of a friend work for the COA, I have nothing against the Commission and my dealing with them have shown that the bad apples are concentrated on certain institutions(I’m looking at you DPWH, Customs, and BIR) and most people try their best and are honest people.

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