Musings 2010 10 27 17–H

  • It seems President Noy didn’t declare Nov 2 as a holiday. FAIL.
  • I’ve been out of sorts lately and it just recently came to my attention that Darren Aronofsky is directing Wolverine 2. WOW. I still have problems watching Requiem for a Dream (It depresses me too much, but its), and I still believe that The Fountain was underrated and of course everybody loves “The Wrestler”. I haven’t watched Pi which my sister tells me is very good.
  • The internet connectivity of our office was non-existent since Friday last week. That’s globe’s connectivity reliability for you.  In other words pag may bayantel don’t even think twice.
  • Didn’t like this weeks GLEE episode. Personal reasons.
  • Hope someone does a The Daily Show copycat for the Philippines. Two problems with this, who gets to play Jon Stewart. TV5 needs to do this. One of the revamped shows of TV 5 that I found enjoyable was the show which I forgot the name of which was basically TMZ for politicians. If they can copy something like this they should copy The Daily Show and the Colbert Report.

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