Wasted Life Vol 2 2010

Garden slugs got more out of life than you did. +The ghost of christmas past (Scrooged).

Spent at least 2 days on sick leave, sleeping because of fever and coughing.
Cleaned out my feed reader! YEHEY !!!
Really need to learn conversational Japanese if I want to multitask while watching anime.

let me sum this up for you: you don’t know who you are, you don’t know what you want, and you don’t know what the hell is going on! +The ghost of christmas past (Scrooged).

The Prince of Tennis : National Tournament
The Prince of Tennis : National Tournament Semi Finals
The Prince of Tennis : National Tournament Finals
Nodame Cantabile Live Action Movie
Nodame Cantabile Live Action TV Series
Nodame Cantabile Finale
America’s Best Dance Crew Season 1 (1st Half)
Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother!
GLEE (Wala this week)
Scrooged(I know it’s too early for christmas movies but its Bill Fucking Murray!!!)
The Karate Kid (remake)
Now worrying because I have nothing to watch. Hope the charlie brown christmas specials get finished fast.

When I want a wife, I’m gonna BUY one! She’s gonna be devoted to me, to my wants and my needs. + Frank (Scrooged)

I really need to file all the great quotes I’ve compiled through watching an insane amount of film and television. Quotations from books are straight forward you just highlight the book and flip through your copy of the book.
Was able to watch this saturday
  • 28 Weeks Later  – When the individual trumps the group its society that fails
  • You, Me and Dupree – Owen wilson is targeting one type of character and it’s becoming tedious
  • Battle Royale 2 – Whereas the first film is more a commentary on Japanese society the next films .
  • Battle Royale 1 – Social commentary at its best. When you have a median age of 47 and rising every year. Many things have been written about this societal time bomb but it really cant be helped. What Japan is experiencing is what other developed nations will eventually experience.
PS 2: I really must learn to write proper reviews for films.

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