rePost :: What's in a name? Six coders can do anything and there is nothing six coders can't do. – The 6coders Blog

Reading this was very comforting for me.

You get the point.  You don’t need anymore than six coders and that makes today’s world a wonderful one to be creative in.  And that’s where it’s at.  Success isn’t technical-guru-ninja-backflip nonsense — not now, not ever — it’s about creative solutions to unsolved and badly solved problems. If you’re really lucky (or visionary), it’s about creative solutions to problems people don’t even know they have until you point it out to them.
Cheers.  If you can code in 2010, the world is your oyster.
via What’s in a name? Six coders can do anything and there is nothing six coders can’t do. – The 6coders Blog.

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