rePost :: SWS gets back at detractors –, Philippine News for Filipinos

Based on my lay man’s reading of this. It’s not that they are being biased etc. It’s that the way they are doing the surveys are really not reliable and have thus been discontinued in the US and most industrialized nations. I hope Philippine Statistics Companies go with the best techniques etc to dispell the doubts. An example of this can be seen in the exit polls conducted during the 2007 elections. In the US exit polls are almost never wrong. This wasn’t true of the exit polls conducted here.

SWS gets back at detractors
By Richel Umel
Inquirer Mindanao
First Posted 13:38:00 03/26/2010
Filed Under: Research, Eleksyon 2010, Opinion surveys, Elections, Politics
CEBU CITY – “Hindi kami bayaran [We are not for sale].”
This was what Dr. Mahar Mangahas, president of the Social Weather Stations (SWS), said when asked about claims that surveys could be twisted in favor of those who commissioned them.
Several politicians had said that they had stopped believing in surveys because these did not reflect the real sentiment of the voters as far as the May 10 elections were concerned.
Some of them even accused survey outfits of deliberately twisting results in favor of those who commissioned the polls.
via SWS gets back at detractors –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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