rePost :: Half-heartedly, 15 Love Rules for Single Women:

Read the whole list at the linked site.

15 Love Rules for Single Women:

  1. “Guys are like subway trains. Don’t run after them; another one is on its way.”
  2. “If he says he isn’t ready for a relationship, believe him.”
  3. “Marry someone you want to sit next to for the rest of your life.”
  4. “My grandfather had some gems: ‘Don’t be with a stupid man just to be with any man.’ ‘A real man always takes care of his family.’ ‘You don’t want to be walked over, and you don’t want a man you can walk over, either.’ And my favorite: ‘Don’t be a fool, Michelle. You can be anything you want, but don’t be a fool.’”
  5. “Don’t trust anyone who doesn’t laugh.”
  6. “The guys who were nerdy in high school make the best husbands.”

via Half-heartedly, 15 Love Rules for Single Women:.

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