rePost :: Rethinking Professionalism: The Meta-Expert

There are however some characteristics that will make a person thrive in this complex world. Perhaps a person that has obtained these characteristics, can be considered a new kind of expert. An expert that transcends conventional thinking and can escape the confines of expertise, the meta-expert.
This meta-expert:
* will constantly improve by using new knowledge and technologies
* will admit that a big part of his/her higher education has been unnecessary
* understands that economics go beyond monetary transactions and understands that it’s fundamentals lie in creating value
* can navigate the emotional storms of the short term, but can also drive a vision of the long-term with instinct and rationale
* will engage in both introverted and extraverted activities, as challenging as this might be
* has sought and will seek new horizons that lay beyond their comfort zone
* will strive to make big dreams possible, through passion and commitment
These are just several characteristics I could think off, but I’m sure YOU, THE READER, can think of some more. If you do so, please add them to the comments section and I will add them.
In my own information technology experience I know that some software developers outperform others many times over, but as technology and informationization starts impacting more domains, perhaps this will only increase. This ‘value generation inequality’ doesn’t have to be all that bad though. As systems and organizations get more complex, the ‘chance’ aspect becomes more important, One high return on a bet can overthrow all your previous losses. However, when you’re dealing with a small organization, like a startup, it is very important that your first hire will be one of those meta-experts that has the 10,000x-factor.
But at the end of the day, I’m not really an expert on this matter.
via Rethinking Professionalism: The Meta-Expert.

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