rePost :: Ezra Klein – Menu labeling coming next year

Great news. Why? see we have Goldilocks,Max’s Fried Chicken and of course Jollibee with North American operations. This means we can just look at the menus in the US to find this very important info!!!

Menu labeling coming next year
The prevention proposals in the health-care bill haven't gotten enough attention, including from me. But Marion Nestle makes a good catch here: One of the bill's provisions is a menu labeling proposal for chain restaurants with more than 20 locations. The proposal requires chains to post the caloric content of each item (and the total calories of combo meals) next to its listing on the menu, the menu board, and even the drive-through menu kiosk. This goes into effect next year, and will be one of the most visible effects of the health-care bill. You can read the provision here (pdf).
via Ezra Klein – Menu labeling coming next year.

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