rePost :: Google Adds Cycling Routes to Their Maps!

great news!!

Google Adds Cycling Routes to Their Maps!

Category: Research
Posted on: March 12, 2010 12:20 PM, by Travis Saunders
Regular readers of Obesity Panacea will know that I am a huge fan of active transportation (e.g. walking or cycling to work, rather than commuting by vehicle).  I just can’t say enough good things about it.  It often takes about the same amount of time as commuting by vehicle, plus it ensures that you’re getting at least some physical activity on even the busiest days.  Even just taking transit instead of driving yourself increases your chances of meeting the daily physical activity guidelines, since transit trips almost always involve some walking on either end of the trip (for more info on the transit/physical activity link, click here).
via Panacea: Google Adds Cycling Routes to Their Maps!

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