rePost :: The Blog: Culture rePost :: Matters to Entrepreneurship :: Ben Casnocha

As long as the next meal is the primary concern of a lot of Filipinos the startup dreams would be of the pipe variety.

Culture Matters to Entrepreneurship
Culture Matters
All through childhood and adolescence you are a sponge absorbing cultural stimuli. From local billboard advertisements, to school curriculum stylized to your country; from conversations with your parents about the ways of the world to the thousands of local customs that dictate proper behavior in restaurants, queues, airports, homes, and driving on the road.
Culture matters. That's the title of a compelling set of essays on whether some cultures are better at creating freedom, prosperity, and justice. It is politically incorrect to chalk up massive societal failures in places like Africa to culture — besides, the situation is always more complex than a single factor — but it seems safe to assert that the culture you come up in affects how you think.
via Ben Casnocha: The Blog: Culture Matters to Entrepreneurship.

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